1. Lil wayne ft money - i got a new bitch
2. Cent & dave young - drinkin & smokin'
3. Jay z ft mariah carey - bye bye (new single)
4. Lil wayne - usher & beyonce - in this club (official remix)
5. Jadakiss - from now till then
6. Jadakiss - freestyle
7. Nas - wanna be
8. Prodigy - sleep when im dead
9. Ransom ft arlis michaels & large amounts - cocaine
10. Two five - billionz - arlis michaels - mook - stroka g & rah murder - shoot 2 kill
11. Two five ft mike baggz - lightwerk
12. Shaft da bone - best rapper period
13. Young buck - nuthin' (dissin 50 cent)
14. Lil wayne - smokin'
15. Prodigy - the dough
16. Game ft keysha cole - pay homage
17. Dc - do it better
18. Dj khaled ft cool & dre & k.a.r - hatin me man
19. Peedi crack & nox - freestyle
20. Mickey factz - im sean (sean bell tribute)
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