I used Internet explorer and used it more than back then Netscape navigator. Since IE gave me so much errors I dropped Ie like hot plate. Used Ie for years and always perferred it over Netscape for its better picture and loading quality. Many more browser has come and gone. Ever since Firefox came out I jump on the bus with it. It was much more stable and function extremely well over IE. IE just returned to much errors. Firefox 2.0 was good. It's add ons were well suited. Then came Firefox 3.0. I don't know what happen but it seems like they tried to hard to make it work. I find that tools for running and viewing websites worked to well for their search program. Firefox 2.0 worked better for me as it was stable and simple. 3.0 is just to much data cram into one browser. I decided to give the well anticipated Google's Chrome a go. It is simple and straight out works well for the average googler. The browser doesn't scream at you. Embedded with it's powerful Google search engine, infomation is right at my finger tip. So far this is a pretty fuctional fuction.
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im your favorite reader here!
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