Micheal Mclendon is the person identified in this horrible mass murder/suicide. He killed his mother, grandmother, uncle, two cousin and 5 others including the sheriff's wife and 18 month old baby. The motive for the cause was listed on a hit list that he wrote of persons we bore grudges against. He wasn't known to be nothing more than a shy quiet kind kid. Mclendon kept to himself mostly and collected survival materials. The people that died because of this rage and hidden hatred didn't know and didn't deserve to have their lives taken. Why did this event unfolded and was accomplish by Mclendon? I believe the forces of spiritual evil was at work and taunted him to kill and destroy. Only a few hours difference a 17 year old teenager Tim Kretschmer from Germany, also went on a shooting rampage that resulted in 15 people killed. This two tragic events that unfolded is not coincidence.
Video below of 17 year old Tim Kretschmer of Germany stealing dad's pistol and commiting 15 murders before killing himself.
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