I don't belong to this world I just live in it. This is my story of my passion, state of mind, and goals. You will see I am no different from you. Come and discover, only one tick away dot com
Many times I find myself spacing out and escaping reality. My journey insist of the past, present and future. I constantly have racing thoughts in my mind. Even though I am constantly at war with my mind. I enjoy escaping this world. I dream of being freed from my troubles and pains. Hope keeps me going for my goals and being bigger than big. Dreaming of escaping the square roots of my life. I wait anxiously of another new day that comes forth. A day that no matter what you think will happen, will never happen the way you conjure it in the mind. Life is exciting and I don't want to miss this journey. Until the next blog, keep on Dreaming.
Love the video.
Crazy looking rhino man/boy! I like this guy he reminds me of someone very close and personal. Niiice!
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