This weekend we spend lots of time out and about. Since it is the holiday seasons we went shopping on Saturday at the mall. Macy's had a huge one day sale going on. The stores were pack full of money spending customers. It was holiday shopping frenzy at its best. Oh, before we got to the mall, it was furiously hard looking and locating a decent parking space. I vigorously scope out the mall for one but to no avail. After I cycle one area I found and waited for one car to back up and out. As I was waiting patiently with my left hand turn signal on, so drivers in back of me could pass. One Suv just ram it self in front of me and as soon as the parked driver left it hustle right in leaving me furious. The holiday season is in full swing and that is the holiday rush, every man for them self mentality. We walk a bit in the mall watching people find good holiday deals at different stores. Macy's have to good of a deal so that is where we did most of our shopping. Comforter was on sale. $200 retail was on sale for only $30, man what a bargain. I know that don't come by to often so we chose this gold trim with cool designs for our bedroom set. It was so cheap that the next morning we left to go bargain hunt on the same item but found that the sale price had jump to more than half of the price. Fortunately we brought 2 sets of the item. Well, on to other stores at the mall. AAO had a decent sale going on as well. I pick out three item that I like and Boopy agreed. Boopy found half a dozen stuff that she was going to buy. I

t definitely was in our budget. Above is a picture of a coupon Time Warner Cable was giving out if you sign up to their plan, you get a free turkey. "Gobble, Gobble!", I say. Nice. Boopy will be cooking this big, fat and juicy turkey for this Thanksgiving! All in all my Mom, Boopy, Nephew, Sister and Brother had a terrific time kicking it at the mall.
Where's my turkey?
Can I come over for Thanksgiving?
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