Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Got faith?

Only if everything in life would seem to fall into place just like how you would what them to. Sometimes things do fall into place, only if you don't expect them to work out the way that you want them to. Do you ever wonder why when you need that something you can never find it? When you don't look for it, it appears. This is true in life. A reminder to be calm patience and humble. Things will work out for you and have some faith. It is hard now and it will continue to be hard. Recently, I have been offered a job and it is a true blessing! It is everything I want and more, Thank you Lord Jesus!

Below is a funny video of a Thai beer commercial. Cheers!

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Anonymous said...

Yea, it's always like that... or at least it always seems that way. It's like when we're trying so hard to remember a word but can't and only later when we don't need that word anymore does it pop up all of a sudden. Haha..

Congratulations on the job. It's good that you know who to be thankful to.


Anonymous said...

It happens to me all the time. Like when there is a contest on the radio about who can name that tune, it is right on the tip of your tongue but just can't recall. I am glad I am not the only one this happen to. Hey, Thanks you for the comment!


post no bill
