Saturday, January 5, 2008

Raining cats, dogs and iguanas

Key Biscayne,Fla.- It was so cold this week that iguana fell from trees and branches. Iguana are cold-blooded reptiles and they go into a deep sleep when the temperatures reaches below 40 degrees. I get the same effect after eating 15 fried wontons. These iguana just suddenly stiff up and loses all control of their bodily functions. But it isn't sudden death: Experts said the reptiles perk up when the temperatures rises. The iguanas turn a gray hue in the meantime. Iguanas can sustain cold for between four and 10 hours before they have to wake up.

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1 comment:

Staci Rose said...

It's like birds flying into sliding glass doors or windows.

We are so not equipped to live side by side with the natural world, sometimes!

post no bill
