Little Cambodia, the home of many Cambodia living and working in the Bronx, Ny. The population of Cambodians living in the Bronx is steadily decreasing since the early 90s. With many Cambodians that still resides in the Bronx happen to live in and around Fordham , University heights, Bronx park east, and south east sections. The population is steadily decreasing and many Cambodian family moving out of the Bronx. With the cost of living in New York so expensive many families are moving out of state to other populated Cambodian cities. Long beach, CA. which is considered the most populated Cambodian city in United States and Lowell, MA. comes in second. Many Cambodian refugees settle in urban city which dwells with gangs, drugs and crimes find them selves involved in gangs as a social status of sort. In the late 80s and early 90s Cambodian gangs were rampant. It was very common to here stories of gang wars from OGs and their soldiers while hanging out in front of ones building or territory. Many Cambodian gang member grew up and had a family of there own and simply moved away from the gang life. Unfortunate ones are locked up in prisons or are laid to rest. Every Cambodian family has a story to tell for the ones still living in
Little Cambodia, Bronx,NY. it is still a constant struggle on the battle field.
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