Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Still I struggle to live

Need to stay sane and maintain an average mindframe. Not giving into the worldly composure and coming up short. I am better than what I think I am. No one knows the pain, hurt, desires and frustration one can endure on a daily basis. Still I strive to achieve a better me, a stable mind set. Let me conquer these sins that tempt me in to damnation. I know better and I need to forgive. I am just like you, let me be me and not jugde who you think I am by sight. Our sight is what guide us in the physical form. Not the unseen. I will contiunue to struggle because this is a world of struggling. I know nothing is easy and I will continue to endure this pain. Lord be my light, my path so am I not to stray to far away.


Unknown said...

That's life. We all struggle. Just think of people who are less fortunate in life, those with incapacities. If they can survive, why can't we. P.U.S.H pray until something happens. goodluck!

Anonymous said...

Yes, I will keep on fighting. Like many of the less fortunate people I know exist and live their lives to the fullest with hope. They are very strong and it is inspirational. Thanks Ted for words of encouragement.

post no bill
