I don't belong to this world I just live in it. This is my story of my passion, state of mind, and goals. You will see I am no different from you. Come and discover, only one tick away dot com
Can you believe it that 2007 is coming to an end. Yes, This year has been a roller coaster and we seen many funny and sad mishaps that occurred. I know that we all have gone through many personal conflict. May it be good or bad, we all have our shares of stories. It is only a progression of life. Let us all focus more on the positives of life and work towards a better tomorrow. Since, it is going to be a New Year what are your goals, accomplishments and thoughts? My goals, accomplishments or thoughts are;
-Get a good job
-Reach new blog readers
-Blog more
-Paint more fantastic artwork
I know I have more goals I need to accomplish. So far I am please by the site. This blog is of me and shows my interests. Thank you for showing your support by reading this blog.
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