Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Amazon dot com reach big earnings

Internet retailer, Amazon dot com reported that holiday season 2007 was their biggest holiday earning ever. Shares of Amazon dot com rose more than 2 percent on Wednesday, after the company realized 2007 holiday season was it's strongest to date. 5.4 million items were sold on December 10, 2007 with 62.5 items being sold every second. The company also said that the Nintendo Wii was being sold at a rate of 17 game console every second when they had it in stock and ready to ship. Amazon which sell many items including electronic, jewelry, clothing, books, sporting goods and many more products. Shares of Amazon dot com rose to $2.13, or 2.3 percent, to $93.14 in afternoon trading on the Nasdaq composite index. My recent blog on the holiday retail boom a few days ago and confirmed that many retail business did extremely well this 2007 holiday season. This is much good and exciting news for the nations economy. Which, is still struggling from the nation's credit crisis and home loans that is going down the drain like the nation's fiscal debt.
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